Making my start, with two paper hearts
Hello world! Welcome to the first blog for Tim Grimsey – Hobart Celebrant.
For my first blog post, I wanted to share a project I created over Easter 2018. As a new wedding celebrant, I have decided to try and create original ideas for promotion. Ideas that are not gender specific, that everyone can relate to – or at least get a chuckle from.
[Click image below for Video]
I came upon the idea of using a stop motion video as a bit of quirky fun. The idea started with two roses dancing with each other, but this evolved into the idea if using origami hearts. Lots of them!!
Ferocious folding ensued and after a few hours I had enough paper hearts to make the clip. I perched my camera, quite precariously, on a stack of tables and secured it in place with string. I then connected the camera to my laptop, got the lighting right, took a deep breath and started snapping.
For those interested, the software program DigiCam Control, worked a treat for this task. And you can learn to fold the paper hearts here.
The basic storyline I was trying to create was...
1. Two hearts fall for each other
2. The two hearts combine to make one whole
3. Many hearts come together to celebrate
4. Shameless self promotion
400 photos later, the video was made. Then it was time to wrangle my old ukulele and lay down a soundtrack.
I hope that you enjoy my video. I can't wait to share with you the stories of my ceremonies, as well as tips for how to create your perfect wedding.